María Paola Zúñiga Brenes

Teléfono: 2511-3300


Ph.D. María Paola Zúñiga Brenes


Profesora e investigadora en el IICE. 


  • Máster en Economía, Université de Lausanne, Suiza
  • Licenciatura en Economía, Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Bachillerato en Economía, Universidad de Costa Rica

Publicaciones científicas

  • Zuniga-Brenes MP, J-R Vargas , and A.Vindas (2012). Out-of-pocket and Catastrophic Health Expenditures Puzzle: The Costa Rican experience. Chapter in Econometric studies: Health Financing, Household Health Spending, Equity and Impoverishment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Red de Protección Social en América Latina. Harvard University Press
  • Rosero-Bixby L, MP Zuniga-Brenes, A. Collado (2011). Costa Rica: transfer account in a mixed economy and under rapidly changing demographic conditions. Chapter in Population Aging and the Generational Economy: Editors. Ronald Lee and Andrew Mason. Edward Elgar Publisher
  • Knaul, F, Nigenda G and Zuniga-Brenes P (2003). «Costa Rica case study”, In Long term Care in Developing Countries.” Chapter in Brodsky, J Habib, J Hirschfeld M. World Health Organization. Geneva Switzerland.